Winter semester
Course Description
Differential calculus: the derivative of a function, geometrical importance of a derivative, derivation rules, derivates of elementary functions, a differential, higher order derivatives, Taylor’s formula, application of a derivative (extremes, inflection points).
Indefinite integral: definition, integration rules, introduction of a new variable, partial integration, integration of rational functions, application and examples.
Differential equations: basic terminology, first order differential equations, second order differential equations, examples.
Functions of more variables: examples, partial derivatives, Taylor’s formula, application examples, probability calculus.
Lecturer: prof. dr. Fošner Maja
Asistent: asist. dr. Marcen Benjamin
Successful completion of e-lectures and e-tutorials is a prerequisite for entering the exam. Written examination (calculation part (80%)). Oral examination (theory 20%)).
Course Description
Revision of basics of matrix and interest calculations
Basics of interest calculation types
Systems of linear equasions and inequasions: revision (solving linear equasions using Gaus’s elimination method and matrix equasions
Solving systems of linear inequasions using the graph method
Convex sets, determining extreme points
Linear programming:
Problem formulation
Solving problems using graphs
Solving problems using LINGO software
Basic inventory theories:
Definition of inventories and costs
Quantitative order models
Lecturer: izr. prof. dr. Kramberger Tomaž
Asistent: asist. Vizinger Tea
Successful completion of e-lectures and e-tutorials is a prerequisite for entering the exam.
Course Description
Geographic information systems (GIS) are systems for capturing, storing, checking, integrating, manipulating, analyzing and displaying data which are spatially referenced to the Earth. GIS are interconnected hardware, software, data, people, organizations, and institutional arrangements.
It may seem obvious that GIS has something to offer logistics. Logistics is mainly concerned with issues surrounding the transportation or transmission of materials, services and information across geographic space. There are some impressive GIS tools designed for analyzing and managing transportation systems. These include network routing (particularly traveling salesman, vehicle routing, and related procedures) and facility location algorithms.
At the study subject will be discussed – Fundamentals of GIS – Spatial data -Spatial data modeling – Editing spatial data – Data analysis – Network analysis – Maps as output
The primary purpose of the study subject is to understand the theoretical basis and practical applicability of GIS in logistics and transport.
Lecturer: doc. dr. Prah Klemen
Asistent: doc. dr. Prah Klemen
Successful completion of e-lectures and e-tutorials is a prerequisite for entering the exam. Theoretical examination (written (35%))). Practical examination (35%)) . Seminar paper (30%)) Theoretical and practical examination must be individually positive.
Course Description
Role of traffic and transport in logistics
Basics of transport systems, infrastructure and suprastructure
Contemporary technologies in all transport phases, IT support, multimodality
Trends of traffic and transport development
European and global transport corridors
The importance of a successful transport system for logistics
Transport phases and its planning
Selection of transport modality, special transport demands, formation of transport prices
Optimization of transport processes
Green transport in logistics
Lecturer: izr. prof. dr. Topolšek Darja
Asistent: asist. Grofelnik Igor
Successful completion of e-lectures and e-tutorials is a prerequisite for entering the exam. Written examination (70%), Grade from tutorials (30%).
Summer semester
Course Description
Introduction. Basis of statistics.
Editing and presenting statistical data.
Relative numbers/statistical measures. Mean values. Measures of data variability. Asymmetry and asymmetry measures. Kurtosis and skewness. Concentration measures. Lorenz curve.
Time series, trend, determining linear trend, least squares method.
Random variables. Distribution law. Distribution function.
Discrete random variables, continuous random variables.
Special discrete random variables.
Special continuous random variables.
Functions of random variables. Random patterns. Statistics.
Arithmetic mean of a sample, variance of a sample, distribution of the arithmetic mean of a sample. Central limit theorem.
Statistical estimating. Estimator.
Estimating the arithmetic mean of a population.
Hypotheses testing. The term of statistical hypothesis. Hypothesis test statistics. Critical area of a test. Hypotheses testing process. Arithmetic media testing.
Regression. Simple normal regression. One-tail and two-tail dependance.
Lecturer: izr. prof. dr. Kramberger Tomaž
Asistent: asist. dr. Marcen Benjamin
Successful completion of e-lectures and e-tutorials is a prerequisite for entering the exam. Written examination (70%), Project work (30%).
Course Description
Human resource management is the process of understanding the relationships between individuals, tasks, organization and influencing on them. It is a mix of various programs and activities with which we want to achieve that the work is successfully completed to the satisfaction of the individual, organization and society.
In this course you will learn about the importance of human resource management, human resource strategy, management of external and internal environment, planning and personnel selection, development and training of employees, employee rewarding and evaluating the work and results, psychological contract, employee satisfaction, commitment, communication and with the inherent relationships in the organization.
The acquired knowledge will help you in entering the labour market, the development of your own careers and the functioning in the organization in terms of cooperation with co-workers and their management.
Lecturer: izr. prof. dr. Gorenak Irena
Asistent: doc. dr. Mlaker Kač Sonja
Successful completion of e-lectures and e-tutorials is a prerequisite for entering the exam. Written examinations (70%) , Homework and seminar paper (30%).
Course Description
Sustainable environment of 21 century
Green logistics and operational excellence of organizations
Logistical processes and green technologies
Green supply chain and logistics management
Green logistics in logistics subsystems
Environmental standards and legislation
Green Strategies
Energy-efficient processes in logistics organizations
Management of green technologies in logistics organizations
Carbon footprint
Protection of the environment and environmental costs
Lecturer: doc. dr. Obrecht Matevž
Asistent: doc. dr. Obrecht Matevž
Successful completion of e-lectures and e-tutorials is a prerequisite for entering the exam. Active work of students (20%), Seminar paper (20%), Final written examination (60%).
Course Description
Development and importance of warehouse systems in the transport-warehouse logistics function.
Material flow – warehouse as a queuing system (warehouse volume and throughput capacity).
Warehouse operations – receiving, process customer orders, order-picking, checking, packing, put away.
Warehouse management systems – receiving and shipping, stock locator system, features, market supply.
Storage and handling equipment – storage equipment, transporters, sorting equipment etc.
Types of forklifts – due to their working principles, drive motors, carrying capacity, bearing strength.
Transportation handcarts – classical, autonomous, folding, assembling – special handcarts, inductive guided etc.
Transport unit loads – pallets, boxes etc.
Protection of goods and safety manipulating and safety managing with transport devices.
Warehouse strategies as a support to the warehousing processes (the system for managing-ordering of transport, the application of ABC system with the storage of goods).
Order picking – types, equipment, zones.
Design of warehouse systems – storage rack systems, construction of the warehouse, shape optimisation.
Need for implementing external logistics service – “outsourcing”.
Lecturer: prof. dr. Lerher Tone
Asistent: asist. Marolt Jakob
Successful completion of e-lectures and e-tutorials is a prerequisite for entering the exam. Written exam (50%). Oral exam (50%).
Foreign Languages
Course Description
In the course English in logistics 2 we will further develop business language and communication skills in the field of logistics, with the focus being on supply chains and international exchange of goods and services. Lectures will be dedicated to developing writing, speaking, listening and reading skills through the exploration of authentic materials and case studies. Special attention will be paid to written business correspondence and negotiating in English. Language and communication skills will be developed in the framework of the following topics: company structure and management, supply chains, international exchange of goods, and sustainable transport and logistics.
Related to the topics discussed in the course English in logistics 2, we will also revise and further develop knowledge and use of fundamental grammatical structures, including active and passive voice, common noun + preposition and common verb + preposition combinations, direct and reported speech, and conditional clauses.
Vocabulary and skills gained in this course will prove useful to students who will engage in business communication in organisations involved in international supply chains.
Lecturer: lektor dr. Vičič Polona
Successful completion of e-tasks and quizzes is a prerequisite for entering the exam. Written exam (60%), Presentation on chosen topics and active class participation (40%).
Course Description
Selected work-related situations:
writing covering letter and CV (European CV form) in German
job interview in German
Characteristics of intercultural communication
Globalisation and its importance for logistics
Green logistics
Reverse logistics
Logistics in different sectors of industry
packaging logistics
hospital logistics
Word formation
If clauses
Reported speech
Lecturer: mag. Hribar Košir Aleksandra
Successful completion of e-lectures and e-tutorials is a prerequisite for entering the exam. Written exam (60%), Presentation on chosen topics and active class participation (40%).