Subject, Principles of modelling in logistics, refers to the graph theory and its applications in logistics. Graph theory belongs to the field of discrete mathematics, which is significant in applying ideas to logistics problems, especially from the field of operations research. Firstly, the course introduces basic concepts, definitions and examples of applications. Follows the Euler and Hamilton graphs presentation, while the term tree and its respective optimisation is introduced. Applications of graph theory are related to various problems; from the shortest path problem, maximum flow problem, travelling salesman problem, location problem and others. The student is subjected to the optimisation problem within a logistics network, where the initiative and creative thinking of individuals is reflected. Regarding analytical study of the problem, a systematic solving approach, and constructive analysis of the obtained results, the student is capable to find an efficient solution to the concrete logistics problem.
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Izvajalec: izr. prof. dr. Dragan Dejan
Asistent: asist. Vizinger Tea