Introduction. Basis of statistics.
Editing and presenting statistical data.
Relative numbers/statistical measures. Mean values. Measures of data variability. Asymmetry and asymmetry measures. Kurtosis and skewness. Concentration measures. Lorenz curve.
Time series, trend, determining linear trend, least squares method.
Random variables. Distribution law. Distribution function.
Discrete random variables, continuous random variables.
Special discrete random variables.
Special continuous random variables.
Functions of random variables. Random patterns. Statistics.
Arithmetic mean of a sample, variance of a sample, distribution of the arithmetic mean of a sample. Central limit theorem.
Statistical estimating. Estimator.
Estimating the arithmetic mean of a population.
Hypotheses testing. The term of statistical hypothesis. Hypothesis test statistics. Critical area of a test. Hypotheses testing process. Arithmetic media testing.
Regression. Simple normal regression. One-tail and two-tail dependance.
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Izvajalec: izr. prof. dr. Kramberger Tomaž
Asistent: asist. dr. Marcen Benjamin